The guild’s academic affairs sector is responsible for the supervision of it’s students’ interests. In the guild’s board the person responsible for academic affairs is the current Master of Studies, who sits in different councils and groups that also work over the guild limits.
You can ask study related questions from all the students, without looking at their class. You may just as well always be in touch with the guild’s board member responsible for academic affairs, or the department’s study adviser. However, Aalto-university has a wide range of information online concerning studies, so you should also check the list below.

Master of Studies
Useful links
Enrollment for a academic year and courses and grades can be found from Student guide.
You can find course information and materials from MyCourses, which most students use daily.
Problems with university account, connectivity or printing? Check this page for further information. If you need to locate PrintingPoints, click here.
Study guides:
- Real Estate Economics (REC)
- Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering (SPT)
- Water and Environmental Engineering (WAT)
- Geoinformatics (GIS)
- Urban Studies and Planning (USP)
- Urban Mobility
If you need to contact teachers or you need answers for tricky questions about your studies, check the contact information of your own master programme’s study guide. You can also find contact information of Learning services and study advisors there.
A guide for finding a minor or elective courses from all over Aalto is here.
If you want to experience studies abroad, you can find extensive information here.
Here you can find general information for international students e.g. about studying, living, working, shopping in Finland and much more. And always remember that your Master Student’s Captain and other fellow students are more than happy to help!