The Guild of Surveying Engineers may grant honours for services to the guild and/or its members. The honours are a golden and silver badge, honorary membership and other accolades. Additionally the Maakansa trust has previously given out grants to guild members.

Golden badge of honour:

The golden badge of honour can be granted to a current or former member for exceptionally deserving actions for the Guild. The person has been an active member in the Guild and worked for the guild in an exemplary manner. The person has graduated or is soon about to.

The golden badge of honour of the Guild of Surveying Engineers has been awarded to the following people:

2024 Aatu Jäntti, Jesper Winogradow
2023 Tommi Alajoki, Veera Lehto
2022 Ville Alasalmi
2021 Netta Maijala, Emilia Taskinen
2020 Meri Ahokas, Laura Strömberg
2019 Anni Vuolle-Apiala
2018 Pinja Raitanen, Henri Heilala
2017 Janika Lankinen, Ella Sperling
2016 Anni Kontturi, Eppu Pesonen
2015 Jori Heinonen, Olli Kovanen
2014 Outi Nyman
2013 Panu Santasalo, Arttu Julin, Krista Viita-aho
2012 Hanna Paananen
2011 Olli Kantanen
2010 Leeni Knight, Kuisma Reinikainen
2009 Anu Varjo, Timo Varjo
2008 Tiina Kauppinen, Mikko Pätynen
2006 Tommi Seppänen, Katri Nuuja
2005 Mikko Hovi
2004 Jari Mäkynen
2003 Kaisa Harju
2001 Timo Ikola, Anne Ryynänen, Teemu Kärkäs, Mikko Alin, Katri Koistinen, Nunu Pesu
Exact year not known: Sanna Sianoja, Markku Huotari, Kari Suominen

Silver badge of honour:

The silver badge of honour can be granted to a current or former member for deserving actions for the Guild. The person has been an active member in the Guild and worked for the guild in an exemplary manner.

The silver badge of honour of the Guild of Surveying Engineers has been awarded to the following people:
2024 Aku Staff, Daniel Guzman Monet, Elli Happonen, Riina Timonen
2023 Jesper Winogradow, Tuuli Inkinen, Pinja Salo, Otto Näsman, Joona Lipponen, Inkeri Mankkinen, Iisa Simola
2022 Eeti Ahola, Maija Mäkiniemelä, Onni Nurkka
2021 Eetu Kaskela, Katariina Kasvinen, Lotta Kuisma, Nelli Nokkonen, Markus Rauhanen, Ella Ryhänen, Laura Tuomainen
2020 Tommi Alajoki, Anni Halko, Netta Maijala, Veera Lehto
2019 Heikki Salko, Ville Alasalmi, Iiro Vainikainen, Meri Ahokas, Helena Naalisvaara
2018 Janne Olin, Samuli Kyytsönen, Juho Virtanen, Liisa Mustonen, Satu Räty
2017 Saila Rappumäki, Pyry Haahtela, Otto Pesola, Sanna Laine, Ville Kangaskokko, Noora Vartiainen, Reeta Ojala, Henri Heilala, Olli Peltomäki, Laura Strömberg, Anni Vuolle-Apiala, Julianna Porkka, Emilia Taskinen

Honorary members:

Vitikainen Arvo
Haggren Henrik Georg Alexander
Kilpelä (Olavi) Einari
Härmälä (Into) Seppo
Halonen Reino
Kärkkäinen Lauri
Ollila Jaakko
Wiiala Arwid
Salonen Konstantin
Piponius Anni
August Elias

Other awards, their recipients and the reasoning of the award:

2024 Elli Vainio-Mattila: Diploma for outstanding work in raising the Killoista perhein -spirit
Emilia Suojärvi: Diploma for actively promoting the guild’s sports activities
Iida Liimatainen: Diploma for outstanding work in promoting the guild’s communication activities
Joel Leppänen: Diploma for active participation in guild activities and for particularly outstanding work in developing the singing culture
Ninni Tähti: Diploma for very active work in promoting the well-being of the guild members
Sakari Mäntynen: Diploma for exceptional work in raising the spirit of the guild
Saana Neulasalmi: Diploma for an exceptionally positive attitude and activity in guild activities.
Vilma Puusaari: Diploma for exceptional active work for the guild
Julie Kurumaa: Diploma for long-term and conscientious work for the guild
2023 Aku Staff: Diploma for excellence in raising the mittari spirit
Elli Happonen: Diploma for exceptional activity in developing Guild activities
Juho Pelkonen: Diploma for outstanding work in raising the Killoista perhein -spirit
Leo Vasara: Diploma for active and persistent work for the Guild
2022 Iisa Simola: Diploma for active participation in the Guild’s activity
Valtteri Siikasmaa: Diploma for active participation in the Guild’s activity with master and international students
2021 Oskari Nummelin: Diploma for active and athletic participation in the Guild’s activity
2020 Janne Kousa: Diploma for active participation in the Guild’s activity and active work for the good of the Guild
Nelli Nokkonen: Diploma for active participation in the Guild’s activity and for her positivity that she has spread for the other members of the Guild
2019 Paula Riipi: Diploma for active participation in the Guild’s activity
2018 Olli Erkkilä: Diploma for active participation in the Guild’s activity
2013 Matti Karppi: Skarppi-award for a good attitude and actions for the good of the Guild
2011 Ari Laitala: Active work for the good of the Guild (framed diploma)
Pasi Laitala: Active work for the good of the Guild (framed diploma)
2010 Sampsa Apajalahti: Honorary distinction for furthering the Guild’s song culture (a tuning fork pendant)
2007 Anna Erving, Honorary distinction
2006 Tiina Kauppinen, Honorary distinction
2003 Jari Mäkynen, Honorary distinction for long-term and comprehensive dedication to the Guild’s activity (a key and chain to the Guild cupboard)

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