Fuksi FAQ
Survival Guide
The Survival Guide is a joint Master’s degree guide for the Guild of Surveying Engineers’, The Guild of Civil Engineers’ and The Guild of Mechanical Engineers’, which will help you get started on your academic career and introduce you to the Guild of Surveying Engineers, AYY and life as a student. In the Survival Guide, you’ll find lots of important information about student services, next academic year and especially your masters fuksi year.
Freshman pointcard
In Otaniemi freshmen are called fuksis and fuksis in the field of technology collect fuksi points to their fuksi pointcard to earn a teekkari cap. The goal of fuksi pointcard is to get all new student to make the acquitance of the guild’s activities and the teekkari culture. In order for every single fuksi to prove their worthiness of the teekkari cap, they must collect a certain amount of fuksi points. This amount of points happens to be 300 just like the total amount of credits required to complete the Master’s degree here in Aalto University. The fuksi pointcard is of utmost importance when it comes to collecting these precious little points and it should always be carried with you. All of the points that you have earned should be marked in the card and in order to ratify them you need to ask for a signature from your Freshman Captain or Master’s Student Captain.
Freshman points
Fuksi points can be obtained by participating in activities listed in the fuksi pointcard. Under no circumstances should the collection of fuksi points be difficult, rather it should encourage all of you new surveyors to attend events organized by the guild and also our student union AYY. Although sometimes collecting fuksi points might also involve actual working, it is more likely that e.g. working at a party or sitsit offers a better possibility to have fun than the actual party itself. There are some mandatory points that you must complete in order to get the Teekkari cap: Teekkari museum visit, singing test and the working points. Also everyone who wishes to get their Teekkari cap on Wappu (if it is organized) must complete 10 study credits during the academic year.
Teekkari cap
The teekkari cap must be earned and worn with pride. Keep in mind that anyone who wears the cap represents all of the students of technology (=teekkari) in addition to him or her charming self, so good behaviour is required. I wish every single one of you gets the points required to earn the right to wear a teekkari cap and does it with pride! Nevertheless, one should never forget that the whole purpose of collecting fuksi points is to have fun with a little teekkari-twist. Teekkari cap is a summer cap which means that its time of use is between 1.5.-31.9.