Business cooperation

The Guild of Surveying Engineers cooperates with a broad selection of companies of the fields of Real Estate Economics, Spatial Planning, Transportation Engineering and Geomatics. Additionally, we collaborate with the corresponding trade unions, associations and alumni.
After graduation, a Surveying Engineer can work for instance as an expert, an analyst or a planner. Generally, Surveying Engineer students are coveted employees, starting from the first years as a student. Cooperation with the Guild is a superb way for companies to acquire visibility amongst students and, at the same time, to get to know their potential employees.
Amongst the many ways of possible cooperation are, for instance, supporting the Guild’s Annual Ball, the freshmens’ Overalls and attending our Corporate Events. We would also be delighted to organize an excursion to our corporate partner’s office. When in demand for ideas of cooperation, please contact our Master of Business. In the case of passing on job advertisements, please approach our Communicator.
Business cooperation is build together. We warmly welcome you as our partner!
Annual Ball
The Annual Ball of the Guild of Surveying Engineers, Kevätpäiväntasaus (/ Vernal Equinox), is the highlight of the Guild’s year, with its distinguished traditions. Amongst the 150 ball guests are Surveying Engineer students, alumni, guests of honor and corporate guests – the current and future agents of our field. We offer unique visibility for our sponsoring companies at the Annual Ball.

Each autumn, the new students of the Guild of Surveying Engineers each get their own pair of Overalls, which they will wear in different student events for the rest of their university years. We offer our collaborating companies the chance to advertise themselves on the Overalls. This is definitely worth the investment because the new students get tipped off that the best place to start their job hunting is to check which companies you can find on the Overalls.
Excursions are events where the collaborating company invites students for a visit and introduces itself. The recipe for a successful excursion includes compelling subject matter, tasty food and drinks and casual mingling.
The Guild of Surveying Engineers has two large excursions: the traditional Homeland Excursion each autumn and the brand new Foreign Excursion. The Homeland Excursion, PuoliPitkä (PP) sets the stage for 40-50 students to hop into a bus for touring the companies of our field and seeing the sights in different Finnish cities. The Guild’s Foreign Excursion in its part targets foreign cities and the offices located there. The Foreign Excursion of 2017 is targeting central Europe’s capital cities Budapest and Vienna.

Other forms of cooperation
The Guild is working on a new issue of its Song Book that will the present and future students singing for a decade to come. The Song Book is in use, for instance, at the Annual Ball and student sittnings. A company collaborating with us has the unique chance of advertising in the new issue of the Guild’s Song Book.
The Guild’s official magazine Geometres amuses the students with its riveting stories for times a year. Our corporate sponsors are welcome to advertise in Geometres.
We offer gladly the possibility to advertise jobs in both the weekly newsletter and the email list, which are both well received by both younger and older members of our guild. The cost is €150 per advertisement, if the company has not otherwise cooperated with us in the current year. For recruitment messages, please contact the Guild’s publicist directly.