KaveriPerhe? KotiPizza? KivaPaikka? These are the questions (and many more…) you can think about on 11.10. at the first KP-sitsit in the history of the guild. So grab your friends and your favourite refreshments for this memorable (we don’t guarantee memorability) celebration.

Registration opens on Monday 30.9. at 11.00

WHAT?: KP-sitsit
WHERE: Otakaari 20, downstairs.
WHEN?: 11.10. at 17.30
WHAT DOES IT COST?: max 10€ but probably less
DC?: overalls + kp


    Olen / I am

    Juoma / Drink

    Onko sinulla ohjelmaidea? / Do you have an idea for a programme?

    Jos vastasit edelliseen kyllä, kerro ideasi ja haluatko toteuttaa sen? / If you answered yes to the previous question, tell us about your idea and whether you want to implement it?




    Lukkarit ja häryt:

    Waiting list:



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